
Prepare yourselves, Allergy season is upon us! Although lovely, springtime can cause havoc when it comes to allergies and hayfever. This is mainly thanks to high pollen counts around this time of year.

What are pollens?

Pollens are types of powdery substances produced by trees, flowers, weeds and grass to fertilize more plants of the same species. They can disperse quickly due to many different forms of dispersion such as the wind, insects and other animals for example.

Types of Pollens:

Tree pollen – Tree pollen season is usually from late March to mid-May

Grass pollen – Mid-May to July

Weed pollen – End of June to September

The Met Office has the following handy calendar to show the peak seasons for pollen phases:

pollen_calendar_infographic_2017 (1)

Why and how do people react to pollens?

Our immune system is generally pretty good at picking up on things that are harmful to our bodies, however, sometimes, it can mistake seemingly harmless substances (such as pollen) as being dangerous, which then leads to the release of Histamines into the bloodstream.

Common symptoms of a pollen allergy such as hayfever include:

  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Itchy eyes and nose
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Headaches
  • Sweats
  • Loss of smell/taste
  • Itchiness of the neck, face and ears

Common solutions

Some common solutions to treat Allergies/Hayfever can include home remedies, medicines and lifestyle changes, for example, over-the-counter allergy relief such as anti-histamines, pollen desensitisers and nasal sprays. Nutritional solutions can include a nutrient-rich diet including carrots, yams, cabbage and beetroot which is high in Quercetin— a natural compound that is thought to fight hay fever and inflammation, as well as other nutrient-rich foods that can provide some relief to the symptoms and side effects of seasonal allergies.

To learn more about allergies and nutritional solutions towards them, please see our upcoming webinar:



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Types of Pollen Allergies and Managing Your Symptoms With a Personal Air Purifier