Is Your Diet Adding To Your Toxic Overload?

You’ve got your 5-a-day covered, enjoying oily fish twice a week and snacking on wholesome nuts and seeds: surely this is the ideal way to eat?  Or is your diet still loading you up with toxins?

Conventional food production frequently uses organophosphate pesticides, the residues of which end up in our food chain.  Pesticide chemicals can have an accumulative effect and are linked with a wide variety of serious health conditions.

Several studies have looked at the effects of pesticides in children, who because of their age and size are less efficient at metabolizing and detoxifying these chemicals.

Researchers in Australia have now examined the effects of eating organic food untreated with organophosphates in adults, and monitored their pesticide residue levels.

After 7 days of an organic food diet, levels of pesticide metabolites in the participants’ urine samples were 89% lower than when conventional foods were eaten.  A striking difference, and after only 7 days!

One of the many problems with chemicals in foods is their ability to compromise cell membrane function and as a result, impair energy production and detoxification.

Cell membranes are the gateways into and out of every cell in the body.  Comprised of proteins and fats, these membranes act as information processors, receiving and transmitting information into the cells – acting as the cells “brain” (Lipton, 2012).

The importance of cell membrane health cannot be overstated. Toxins that compromise membrane integrity set the scene for degenerative di-eases and chronic ill-health.  Switching to organic, pesticide-free foods may be one of the most important steps you can take to optimise cell ‘membrain’ health and your entire wellbeing.

Further Reading

Lipton B (2012) Insight into Cellular Consciousness Online available at [Accessed online 08/09/2016]

Oates L et al (2014) Reduction in urinary organophosphate pesticide metabolites in adults after a week-long organic diet [Abstract only] Environmental Research vol 132: 105-11