Title: Inflammation and the Brain
Presenter: Dr Elisabeth Philipps PhD BSc(Hons) BSc Nut. Med.
Join Dr Elisabeth Philipps neuroscientist and nutrition practitioner on Tuesday 24th November 2020 for a CPD accredited webinar on:
“Inflammation & the Brain”
Many people report suffering from unexplained symptoms of debilitation, and of depression, without a clear context. In fact, general practitioners say that about 25% of their consultations are with patients for whom they cannot give a medical diagnosis or treatment.
This webinar discusses the latest findings of the biofeedback loops between inflammation, the immune system and states of mind. The role of underlying low-grade inflammation is a rapidly growing and fascinating area of research that seems to have growing relevance to mental health, as well as neurodegeneration commonly presenting in diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Elisabeth will explain how inflammation stemming from persistent pathogens may influence the development of mood disorders to a significant extent – actually to a greater extent than inflammation resulting from acute infections. Researchers have found that recurring negative moods are associated with elevated levels of inflammatory biomarkers. These pro-inflammatory chemicals can give rise to physical, cognitive and behavioural changes, typically presenting as symptoms such as fatigue and cognitive impairment.
This webinar will be packed with information about the biology that underpins these insights, as well as practical examples of nutrition and lifestyle interventions that have their roots in the immune system and how mind, brain and body work together.
In summary, the webinar will cover:
- The role of neuroinflammation in named diseases including depression.
- The mechanisms and sources underlying neuroinflammation.
- The role of the blood brain barrier to brain health.
- “Glymphatic” – the brain’s very own detoxification system and its role in neuroinflammation.
- Practical nutrition and lifestyle approach to support brain health.
For more information on Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis then please join Dr Elisabeth Philipps on the nutrihub webinar “Neurodegeneration” which will be running early 2021.
Neurodegeneration is a phenomenon that occurs in the central nervous system (CNS) through the hallmarks of loss of brain structure and function and is the common marker underpinning a range of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Causative agents have yet to be fully identified but research continues to uncover a number of different contributory mechanisms such as excitotoxicity and increase in inflammation within the CNS. Worryingly, a process that was generally observed in the elderly is now being tracked in younger case studies with early onset dementia affecting people between 30-65 years old now forming almost 10% of all people with dementia in the UK. [1]
Included in the price:
- Full PDF slide deck
- CPD certificate
- £10 voucher to use with Nutrigold (live attendees only)
- Video recording
Accredited by:
- British Association for Applied Nutrition (BANT)
- Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA)
- Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (ANP)